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Orgonite - A Negative Ion Generator

Orgonite - A Negative Ion Generator

Orgonite – The negative ion generator
For a long time now I have had a strong suspicion that many of the beneficial effects of orgonite are due to the fact that orgonite creates negative ions.  The anecdotes I have heard about orgonite and negative ions make sense, so I decided to hunt around for some evidence that orgonite creates an abundance of negative ions.
First of all, a little bit of information about negative ions:
Ions are molecules that have either gained or lost electrons.  This causes them to have a positive or a negative charge.  Negative ions have one or more extra electrons, which gives them a negative charge, whereas positive ions are missing one or more electrons, making them positively charged.
You’d think that positive ions would be better for us than negative ions, but that’s not the case – it’s actually the opposite.
The Benefits of Negative Ions
  • When we inhale negative ions, they produce a biochemical reaction in our body that makes our brain increase its serotonin levels. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter which is responsible for alleviating stress and depression, and promoting a feeling of well-being.
  • Negative ions clean the air. A study by the US department of Agriculture found that ionising a room led to 52% less dust and 95% less bacteria in the air. This is because negative ions are attracted to floating particles in the air, and when they fuse they become too heavy to stay airborne, meaning that those particles can now be swept or vacuumed off the floor.
  • Negative ions have been shown to improve high blood pressure, asthma and hay fever.
  • Negative ions increase the flow of oxygen to the brain, making us feel more alert and giving us more mental energy.
  • Research done at Columbia University showed that people who suffered from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and chronic depression experienced just as much relief from negative ion generators as they did with prescription antidepressants, but without the notorious side effects of antidepressant medication.
  • The metabolic processes that occur in our cells are boosted by negative ions, making our cells more efficient at absorbing nutrients and expelling toxins.
  • Although plants do naturally generate negative ions, there is a fair amount of research that suggests that using negative ion generators helps plants grow faster.
These positive effects are very similar to the effects of orgonite!
Waterfalls generate negative ions
On the other side of the scale, we have positive ions.  Studies have shown that an excess of positive ions can be very damaging to our bodies and minds.  Psychiatrists have found that people who suffer from neuroses are more likely to have psychotic breakdowns when the positive ion index is high than at any other time.
Crime levels increase, as do suicide attempts and car accidents.  Even schools are affected – an analysis of the records of 2000 public school students showed that their conduct was noticeably poorer right before  storm (a time when positive ions greatly outnumber negative ions).
Positive ions can even lead to headaches and nausea, decreased wound healing speed and increased infection rates.  In fact, many European hospitals are required to have negative ion generators.
So, how do we immerse our environments with negative ions? Negative ions are found in abundance in nature, especially by the seaside and by waterfalls.  In urban areas, the levels are much lower, due to pollution and technological appliances, two things which create positive ions.
There are however a few man-made ways to create negative ions.  There are many negative ion generators on the market, ranging from the very complex to the very simple. There is also orgonite, the DIY negative ion generator.

Orgonite – A Negative Ion Generator

While it isn’t clear how orgonite creates negative ions, the effects of orgonite are very similar to the effects of negative ions.  Many orgonite users who know what ionised environments feel like will swear that orgonite creates the same atmosphere.


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