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A History of Orgonite

A History of Orgonite

Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Energy

Wilhelm Reich
Orgone is simply another word for what is also known as “Qi”, “Prana”, “Ether” and “Akasha”.  The existence of a universal life-force energy which permeates all of nature has long been accepted with little questioning, even in scientific circles, until the 19th century when scientists sought to disprove its existence.  However, breakthroughs in the 20th and 21st century led by a few pioneers have rekindled interest in experimentation with life-force energy.  One of these pioneers was Dr Wilhelm Reich.
Dr Wilhelm Reich (1897 – 1957) was the Austrian psychiatrist who first coined the term orgone, and his research into orgone energy has paved the way for others.
Reich used a galvanometer to discover that our skin has a charge when we are in pleasurable situations, and he initially called this phenomenon bioelectric energy.  Later on, he discovered globules of energy that he called bions.  These globules gave off a kind of radiation which charged nearby objects.  He later found that this radiation was the same bioelectric energy that he had discovered earlier, and he termed it orgone.
Reich constructed the first orgone accumulator, also known as an ORAC.  It consisted of alternating layers of organic and inorganic material (in chemistry, “organic” refers to any carbon-based material).  It was intended to produce a strong concentration of positive orgone energy, which would have a healing effect.

Reich and his cloudbuster
Reich conducted experiments with an ORAC box using mice that had cancer.  He kept both healthy mice and mice with cancer in the box and compared them to a control group, and found that even the mice with cancer had longer life spans than the mice in the control group that were not kept in the ORAC box.  He later went on to treating human patients who had cancer and other ailments.
He also produced the first cloudbuster, a device made out of hollow pipes which he believed was able to draw deadly orgone energy out of the atmosphere.  He also used it to control weather – as deadly orgone energy is removed, weather patterns become more balanced, which means that cloudbusters can either dissipate clouds or trigger rain, depending on what is needed in that particular environment.
Unfortunately, Reich was imprisoned after the American FDA had him arrested for the unauthorised sale of his ORACs.  Much of his research was destroyed by the FDA, and Reich died in prison in 1957.


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